Maria Strömvik

Maria Strömvik

Senior lecturer, Deputy Director

Personal profile


Research areas

  • European Union
  • EU foreign, security and defence policy
  • International relations
  • The EU Municipality

Maria Strömvik has a background within several research fields related to policies and decision-making in international organizations, particularly the European Union. She has, among other things, studied the development of the EU's foreign policy, EU-US conflicts on international security managment, and the EU's peace support operations. At the moment, Maria also has a special interest in societal knowledge about the EU. Together with Dalia Mukhtar Landgren she is currently also in the process of creating a network for studies on the EU Municipality.  


Maria teaches at both undergraduate and graduate level. The lion's share of teaching and tutoring is done within the Master of European Affairs programme, but Maria is also teaching European integration as well as research methods at the undergraduate level. 

Centre for European Studies 

Maria is also Deputy Director of the Centre for European Studies at Lund University, where she works to encourage research and discussions on EU and Europe-related themes across departmental and faculty borders. 

Societal relations

During long periods, Maria has worked or had appointments outside of academia. Among other places, she worked for several years at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, with issues related to the EU's foreign, security and defence policy and the Lisbon Treaty. She has also been appoined a "one-man inquiry" by the Swedish Government to conduct a study on Swedish society's participation in EU affairs, which resulted in the report EU på hemmaplan (SOU 2016:10).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

UKÄ subject classification

  • Political Science


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