11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Mette Hambraeus with the persons below:
Christina Graneli
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Supervisor, Specialist physician
- Pediatric surgery - Research project participant
Louise Tofft
- Pediatric surgery - Research project participant
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Specialist physician
Martin Salö
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Specialist physician, Associate professor, Supervisor
- Pediatric surgery
Pernilla Stenström
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Supervisor, Associate professor
- Pediatric surgery - Research project participant
- LU Profile Area: Light and Materials - Profile area member
Magnus Anderberg
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Specialist physician, Associate professor
- Pediatric surgery - Research project participant
Charlotte Castor
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Researcher
- Rehabilitation and Sustainable Health - Associate senior lecturer
Erik Omling
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Specialty registrar
- Surgery and public health - Research project participant
- Pediatric surgery - Research project participant
Person: Academic