12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Nazim Isma with the persons below:
Peter Svensson
- Clinical Coagulation, Malmö - Professor
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
Moman Mohammad
- Cardiology - Physician, Supervisor
- Molecular Cardiology - Research project participant
Jesper vanderPals
- Cardiology - Physician
- Arrhytmias and Cardiac Device treatment - Research project participant
- Molecular Cardiology - Research project participant
Arash Mokhtari
- Medicine/Emergency Medicine, Lund - Researcher
- Emergency medicine - Research project participant
Ardavan Khoshnood
- Emergency medicine - Research project participant
- Medicine/Emergency Medicine, Lund - Supervisor, Associate professor, Specialist physician
- Cardiovascular Research - Hypertension - Specialist physician, Senior lecturer
Person: Academic