Research output per year
Research output per year
Senior lecturer, Docent
My research career started in 1990 when I joined the DELPHI experiment group in JINR, Dubna, as a graduate student. DELPHI was an experiment at CERN’s LEP collider, and the group was in charge of its hadron calorimeter (HCAL) and surrounding muon chambers (SMC). As a student, I contributed to deployment of the cathode read-out of the HCAL, and started analysis of experimental data. The Masters’ thesis, as well as the PhD thesis, were focussed in studies of hadronisation processes, in particular, helicity components of fragmentation functions and two-dimensional Bose-Einstein correlations. I continued with this direction of research until the end of the DELPHI experiment, and renewed it with the early ATLAS data taken during low-energy runs. The research resulted in numerous conference talks and several peer-reviewed publications, as well as a supervised PhD work. On several occasions I gave talks on behalf of the DELPHI collaboration.
Since 2001 I am involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. In this collaboration I focus on enabling and performing distributed processing of both Monte Carlo data and data recorded by the experiment. This is done using Grid technologies that have been deployed through a dedicated infrastructure, WLCG, which involves people from all the LHC experiments. In 2002-2003 I held a position of the ATLAS Grid Architect, and as such made a significant contribution to the design and deployment of the ATLAS distributed computing infrastructure within WLCG. I am also one of the initiators of the NorduGrid, the Nordic initiative that enabled the first successful Grid system used for the current ATLAS data processing and event simulation. Since 2006, I occupy the position of CERN Liaison in the Nordic e-Infrastructure projects NDGF and NeIC. In 2006-2009 and 2010-2013 I was the Lund team leader and a Board member in EU FP7 projects KnowARC and EMI, which provided Grid software solutions. Since 2010 I am a member of the ATLAS International Computing Board, and since 2019 I am chairing it. These activities resulted in a large number of conference talks, invited lectures and publications in both peer-reviewed and public media. I am a regular member of the NorduGrid Conference Organising Committee, and organised numerous workshops and seminars within the listed projects. Since 2013 I am a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) conference. In addition, I referee articles in various journals on the subject of distributed computing, and regularly serve as a reviewer of other computing projects (both EU and national ones). I also supervise and co-supervise student projects and PhD theses on the subject of distributed computing.
In addition to the research activities, I developed and teach three courses: one in particle physics and two in computing, all in Lund University. I also served as a Board member of the Particle Physics section of the Swedish Physics Society in 2007-2009, chairing it in 2008-2009. I was the Department of Physics (Lund University) Board member in 2008-2009, and in 2014-2015 I was a member of the SUNET Board.
I served as a Board member of the Particle Physics section of the Swedish Physics Society in 2007-2009, chairing it in 2008-2009. In 2008-2009 I was the Department of Physics (Lund University) Board member. In 2014-2015 I was a member of the SUNET Board. In 2009-2011 and 2021-2022 I was Deputy Head of the Division of Particle Physics at the University. Since 2018 I serve as a member of the Lund University Electoral College.
I developed and teach three courses: one in particle physics (2nd cycle) and two in computing (1st and 3rd cycles), all in Lund University. I am a Steering Group member of the COMPUTE Research School at the University since its creation in 2011. Since 2013 I am a coordinator of physics diploma projects at the Faculty of Science.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Åstrand, S., Smirnova, O. & Herde, H.
2022/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Aits, S., Hein, J., Davies, M. B., Birken, P., Oskolkov, N., Ullner, M., Smirnova, O., Doglioni, C., Topp, E. A., Andersson, E. & Lindh, L.
2021/01/01 → …
Project: Other
Smirnova, O., Konya, B., Paganelli, F., Salnikov, A. & Lindemann, J.
2001/05/01 → …
Project: Research
Marcon, C. & Smirnova, O.
Project: Dissertation
Sopasakis, A., Aits, S., Davies, M. B., Telitsin, C., Hall, O., Hall, S. & Smirnova, O.
2022/09/01 → 2023/05/01
Project: Research
Oxana Smirnova (Organiser), Sten Åstrand (Organiser) & Kaare Iversen (Organiser)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Organisation of workshop/ seminar/ course
Oxana Smirnova (First/primary/lead supervisor)
Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Oxana Smirnova (Examiner)
Activity: Examination and supervision › External Reviewer of PhD thesis/Opponent
Oxana Smirnova (Commissioned member of Examining committee)
Activity: Examination and supervision › Examination
Oxana Smirnova (First/primary/lead supervisor), Hannah Herde (Second supervisor) & Caterina Doglioni (Third supervisor)
Activity: Examination and supervision › Supervision of PhD students
Oxana Smirnova (Manager)
Particle and nuclear physicsInfrastructure