Personal profile
Main research areas
- Political economy
- Scandinavian welfare regimes
- The study of ideas and political elites
My current research analyzes how conservative and neoliberal ideas converged in the 70s and 80s’ renegotiation of the Nordic welfare states. The project takes it starting-point in the conceptualization of neoliberalism as a two-fold ideology: one that emphasizes ‘progressiveness’ and ‘individualism’ on the one hand, and conservative ideals of traditions, morals, and family values on the other. I am particularly interested in how such conservative elements can help explain the social democratic legitimization of certain neoliberal economic reforms.
More generally, I have a broad interest in political economy and have previously written on, among other things, the political economy of the European Union, austerity policies, and the role of economic expertise. I have also found a more recent interest in issues relating to co-operative enterprises and economic democracy, particularly when it comes to workers’ ownership.
UKÄ subject classification
- Political Science
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