12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Petrea Frid with the persons below:
Mattias Drake
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Doctoral student, Research student
- Stroke Imaging Research group - Doctoral student
Björn Hansen
- Clinical Stroke Research Group - Research project participant
- Stroke Imaging Research group - Postdoctoral fellow
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Researcher
Linda Knutsson
- Medical Radiation Physics, Lund - Adjunct professor
- MR Physics - Project manager
- LU Profile Area: Light and Materials
Person: Academic
Björn Lampinen
- Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
- Multidimensional microstructure imaging - Research project participant
- MR Physics - Research project participant
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Researcher
Arne Lindgren
- Neurology, Lund - Supervisor, Professor
- Clinical Stroke Research Group - Project manager
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Professor
Birgitta Ramgren
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Associate professor
- Neuroradiology - Consultant
- Stroke Imaging Research group - Postdoctoral fellow
- Neurological injury in acute type A aortic dissection - Research project participant
Peter Reinstrup
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - Associate professor
- Neurosurgical intensive care - Project manager
Roger Siemund
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Associate professor, Supervisor
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
Pia C Sundgren
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Supervisor, Head of office
- Neuroradiology - Professor
- Lund University Bioimaging Center - Assistant director
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
Person: Academic
Teresa Ullberg
- Neurology, Lund - Physician, Supervisor
- Stroke policy and quality register research - Project manager, Research project participant
- Stroke Imaging Research group - Postdoctoral fellow
Johan Wasselius
- Diagnostic Radiology, (Lund) - Supervisor, Associate professor
- Neuroradiology - Associate professor
- Stroke Imaging Research group - Research team manager