12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sara Lindström with the persons below:
Nina Margareta Palmqvist Öberg
- Unit for clinical suicide research - Research project participant
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Doctoral student
Livia Ambrus
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Consultant
- Unit for clinical suicide research - Research project participant
Åsa Westrin
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Supervisor, Professor
- Unit for clinical suicide research - Project manager
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Principal investigator
- Section IV - Head of division
Erik Bergqvist
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Doctoral student
- Unit for clinical suicide research - Research project participant
Roger Persson
- Department of Psychology - Senior lecturer, Researcher, Associate professor
- Environmental health and occupational health - Associate professor
- Metalund - Associate professor
- Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments - Researcher
Anna Axmon
- EPI@LUND - Statistician
- Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University - Statistician
Ulf Jakobsson
- Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology - Professor
- History of Medicine - Researcher
Person: Academic
Carita Håkansson
- Environmental health and occupational health - Research team manager
- Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University - Senior lecturer
Sofie Westling
- Psychiatry (Lund) - Supervisor
- Psychiatry - Consultant, Research team manager, Senior lecturer
Person: Academic