6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Tomas Gregor with the persons below:
Stina Andersson
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Doctoral student
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Research project participant, Doctoral student
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit - Research project participant
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Research support
Sinan Karakaya
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Postdoc
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit - Postdoctoral fellow
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Postdoctoral fellow
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Postdoctoral fellow
Elina Fredlund
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Doctoral student
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Laboratory assistant
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Doctoral student
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Doctoral student
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit - Research project participant
Emma Hammarlund
- Lithosphere and Biosphere Science - Researcher
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
- Molecular Evolution - Research team manager
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health - Researcher
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Principal investigator
Sofie Mohlin
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit - Project manager, Research project participant
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Research project participant
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Principal investigator, Associate professor, Supervisor
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Principal investigator
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Principal investigator
Niklas Engström
- Division of Translational Cancer Research - Laboratory engineer
- Molecular Evolution - Laboratory engineer
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy - Research support
- LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre - Research support
- Paediatrics (Lund) - Research project participant
- Childhood Cancer Research Unit - Research project participant