The SSCEN Sustainability Prize for Master’s Theses

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Sparbanken Skånes Center for Sustainable Enterprising (SSCEN) at Lund University together with Sparbanksstiftelsen Finn award an annual thesis prize to students who have contributed with valuable knowledge for a green transition. To master's theses written at the faculty of engineering (LTH), one prize is awarded in the form of a grant of 25 000 SEK. Aspects such as originality, academic quality, relevance and practical implications are considered in the assessment process.

"In their winning thesis 'Network reconfiguration for renewable generation maximisation', Gabriel Malmer and Lovisa Thorin have shown how more solar and wind electricity can be safely connected to the electricity grid in the municipality of Eslöv without major investment costs. The project was carried out in collaboration with a researcher in Taiwan and the local company Kraftringen Nät."
Granting OrganisationsLund University, Sweden, Sweden

Free keywords

  • electric power systems
  • smart grids
  • renewable energy
  • optimisation
  • energy transition
  • distributed generation
