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DigiJustice: Rethinking Digital Inequalities and Human Rights in the Age of AI
Kajtazi, M., Halldenius, L., Petersén, M., Liinason, M., Mansour, O., Frennert, S., Søilen, K. L. G., Gyöngyi, P. & Teo, S. A.
2024/09/12 → 2025/06/12
Project: Research
Imprint of stratosphere-troposphere-exchange on 10Be deposition in Greenland and Antarctica ice cores
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/09/10 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Företag och Den Stora Kompressionen: företagspremier och den svenska inkomstfördelningen ur ett mikroperspektiv 1940–1970
Önnerfors, M., Skoglund, W., Andersson, J. & Molinder, J.
2024/09/09 → 2027/09/08
Project: Research
Hansson, Å., Wernberg, J., Bergh, A., Brokelind, C., Senyk, M. & Sonnerfeldt, A.
2024/09/02 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
Holocaust Education in Swedish History Lessons - Narratives of Relevance
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Dissertation
Ways of Power: Magic and Worldviews in High and Late Medieval Europe
Dalsgaard Hansen, C. & Geevers, E.
2024/09/02 → 2028/09/02
Project: Dissertation
Hansson, Å., Brokelind, C., Wernberg, J., Sonnerfeldt, A., Senyk, M. & Bergh, A.
2024/09/02 → 2025/05/31
Project: Research
Faking what's true or trusting what's fake: synthetic media in the social media landscape
Hogan, B., Sundin, O. & Søilen, K. L. G.
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Dissertation
Reportage från schavotten: Dagspressen, skillingtrycken och de svenska avrättningarna 1800‒1910
2024/09/01 → 2025/08/31
Project: Research
Advancing hydrological modelling in the Arctic regions with frozen soils dynamics and machine learning
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
STORE: Energy Resilient Cities
Karvonen, A., Janson, U., Gustafsson, S., Magnusson, D., Johnsson, F., Taljegård, M. & Karltorp, K.
2024/09/01 → 2029/08/31
Project: Research
Rollspelande som alternativ form av organisering – att skapa och ta plats på nya villkor
Rübsamen, M., Cassinger, C. & Andersson, R.
2024/09/01 → 2025/08/31
Project: Research
ASCEND: Advancing Sustainable Circularity for Eco-friendly Net-zero Developments
2024/09/01 → …
Project: Research
Teaching Energy Justice One Frame at a Time – the Use of Comic Art in Sustainability Education
2024/09/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Digitaliseringens framtida påverkan på kundresan och de anställda i handeln
The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council (Handelsrådet)
2024/09/01 → 2027/06/30
Project: Research
VITALITY: Critical perspectives on the Long-Term Care Policy Reform. The sustainability of care systems for the dependent elderly using a gender and intersectional perspective.
2024/09/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Commissioned research
Demonisk besatthet i tidigmoderna Sverige: privatisering och medikalisering av det övernaturliga
2024/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
QU-ATTO: Quantum information science and Ultrafast nonlinear coherent control at the ATTOsecond timescale
Mauritsson, J., Busto, D., L'Huillier, A. & Viotti, A.
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
Hållbar näringslivsutveckling av små och medelstora företag med framtidens entreprenörer i centrum
2024/09/01 → 2029/08/31
Project: Research
Animal husbandry practices in a One Health perspective - A regional study on the south Scandinavian Neolithic and Bronze Age
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Dissertation
ZEUS: Zero-loss Energy harvesting Using nanowire solar cells in Space
Borgström, M., Wernersson, L. & Rentschler, G.
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
SPINFRAG: Spin-dependent string fragmentation
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
CAISA: CAISA - Collaborative Artificial Intelligent Surgical Assistant
Stenmark, M., Nilsson, K., Phan, K. T., Omerbašić, E. & Johnsson, C.
2024/09/01 → 2027/08/30
Project: Research
Greyzone genomics - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Gisselsson Nord, D., Almqvist, J., Ingesson, T., Chattopadhyay, S., Rinaldi, A., Fjällhed, A. & Larsson, O.
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
Exploring the physicality of depopulation: navigating loss of place and loss of sense of belonging in rural Japan
Olsson, J., O'shea, P. & Svensson, M.
2024/09/01 → 2028/09/01
Project: Dissertation
Meritocratic Lives. A European History of Experience, 1600–1810
2024/09/01 → 2028/09/01
Project: Dissertation
Intermodalitet och resiliens i framtidens hållbara resor: risker, avvägningar och ansvar
Mukhtar-Landgren, D., Koglin, T., Winslott Hiselius, L., Palmqvist, C. & Berglund Snoddgrass, L.
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
Transnational cinemas of the Baltic Sea: a sustainable regioscape in the making
2024/09/01 → 2024/11/30
Project: Commissioned research
Ancient Synagogues and the Human Sensorium: How Digital and Experiential Methods Can Transform Our Understanding of the Sights, Sounds, Smells, and Textures of Early Jewish History – Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Cirafesi, W., Landeschi, G., Gerber, A., Mattsson, P., Zetterholm, M., Zhao, P., Stern, K., Cuyler, M. J., Campanaro, D. M. & Gillings, M.
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
Next Generation Healthscapes - ASG, Pufendorf IAS
Loodin, H., Garwicz, M., Mathieu, C., Borell, J., Mattsson, P., Houmann, A., Mårtensson, J., Lindén, J., Lanbeck, P., Lindahl, G. & Thormählen, Å.
2024/09/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Network
Housing as a Digitalized Service
Baeten, G., Listerborn, C., de Neergaard, M., Torisson, F., Miranda, P. & Kaika, M.
2024/09/01 → 2029/12/31
Project: Research
The body as a site of ideological conflict and construction in the Hebrew Bible
2024/09/01 → …
Project: Dissertation
Ansvarsfull internationalisering
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2024/09/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
ELnD: Ecological Loss and Damage
Walters, R., Boyd, E., Smith, H., Persson, A., Wullenkord, M., Becker, P., Rummukainen, M. & N'guetta, A.
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Research
BRYOMOLECULES: Bioprospecting and production of bioactive molecules from European bryophytes
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2027/08/31
Project: Research
Oaths and Courts – from Forum to the Future. ASG, Pufendorf IAS
Sunnqvist, M., Trolle Önnerfors, E., Brännstedt, L., Göransson, E., Gyöngyi, P., Høgel, C., Peukert Stock, O., Sjöberg, C., Westergren, A., Nauman, S. & Vogt, H.
2024/09/01 → 2025/06/30
Project: Network
SAGER II: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Equal Right to Health
Palmieri, J., Agardh, A., Nakafeero, A., Bazugba, A., Ikere, E., Wakooli, S., Mutinda, J. & Hillman, M.
2024/08/26 → 2025/06/13
Project: Other