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Eavsdropping on plankton -lipid signaling in the sea
Selander, E. (PI)
2024/10/02 → 2026/09/30
Project: Research
Children and youth in foster care: A participatory research project on coping, safety and resilience
Angelöw, A. (Research student), Psouni, E. (PI) & Neander, K. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
The Making of Inner Mongols: Performativity, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in China
Ao, N. (PI), Loubere, N. (Supervisor) & Norén Nilsson, A. (Supervisor)
2024/10/01 → 2028/10/01
Project: Dissertation
The Making of Inner Mongols: Performativity, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in China
Ao, N. (PI), Loubere, N. (Supervisor) & Norén Nilsson, A. (Supervisor)
2024/10/01 → 2028/10/01
Project: Dissertation
Divided Parliaments? Polarization, Moralization, and the Risk of Gridlock
Bäck, H. (PI), So, F. (Researcher) & Klemmensen, R. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2027/09/30
Project: Research
Förståelse och prediktion av inhalationsformuleringar
Thalberg, K. (PI)
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF
2024/10/01 → 2027/09/30
Project: Research
CFD and Data-Driven Modelling of Thermal Evernts in Batteries
Fatehi, H. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2028/10/01
Project: Research
KUSK: Capacity for Assessment of Socio-economic Implications
Peck, P. (Researcher), Palm, J. (Researcher) & Grönkvist, S. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2029/09/30
Project: Research
Intervening in lipid overload to prevent metabolic disease
Kaldis, P. (PI)
2024/10/01 → 2027/09/30
Project: Research
Heavy Element Research at LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron
Rudolph, D. (PI), Golubev, P. (Researcher) & Sarmiento Pico, L. (Researcher)
The Regents of the University of California
2024/10/01 → 2028/09/30
Project: Research
enQnet: Mesoscopic light-matter entanglement in hybrid solid-state networks
Samuelsson, P. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/10/01 → 2026/09/30
Project: Research
INTEGRATE: Integrative Approaches to Labor Exploitation and Work-related crime: Knowledge translation, transfer and exchange in the Nordic Context
Schoultz, I. (Researcher)
2024/10/01 → 2025/12/31
Project: Research
Lasers4EU: European Laser Research Infrastructures serving Science and Industry
Wahlström, C.-G. (Researcher) & Eng-Johnsson, P. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/10/01 → 2028/09/30
Project: Research
Towards Precision Treatment of Anhedonic Depression
Lindqvist, D. (PI)
Inga och John Hains stiftelse för vetenskaplig medicinsk forskning
2024/09/25 → 2030/12/31
Project: Research
Kan blodkärlens sträcksenor skydda mot aneurysm?
Albinsson, S. (PI)
Stiftelsen Konsul Thure Carlssons Minne
2024/09/18 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Falk, A. (PI)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2024/09/16 → 2027/09/16
Project: Research
DigiJustice: Rethinking Digital Inequalities and Human Rights in the Age of AI
Kajtazi, M. (Project coordinator), Halldenius, L. (Project coordinator), Petersén, M. (Researcher), Liinason, M. (Researcher), Mansour, O. (Researcher), Frennert, S. (Researcher), Søilen, K. L. G. (Researcher), Gyöngyi, P. (Researcher) & Teo, S. A. (Researcher)
2024/09/12 → 2025/06/12
Project: Research
Imprint of stratosphere-troposphere-exchange on 10Be deposition in Greenland and Antarctica ice cores
Zheng, M. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/09/10 → 2026/12/31
Project: Research
Linear transverse instability of generalised solitary waves to the water wave problem
Lian, W. (PI)
The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
2024/09/10 → 2025/03/31
Project: Research
Företag och Den Stora Kompressionen: företagspremier och den svenska inkomstfördelningen ur ett mikroperspektiv 1940–1970
Önnerfors, M. (PI), Skoglund, W. (Researcher), Andersson, J. (Researcher) & Molinder, J. (Researcher)
2024/09/09 → 2027/09/08
Project: Research
Historiska och nutida kol-14 utsläpp från svenska kärnkraftverk till marinmiljö
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
2024/09/03 → 2026/06/30
Project: Research
Hansson, Å. (Project coordinator), Wernberg, J. (Project coordinator), Bergh, A. (Researcher), Brokelind, C. (Researcher), Senyk, M. (Researcher) & Sonnerfeldt, A. (Researcher)
2024/09/02 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
A Just Transition to a Sustainable Municipality
Brandstedt, E. (PI) & de Leeuw, G. (Researcher)
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Research
Ways of Power: Magic and Worldviews in High and Late Medieval Europe
Dalsgaard Hansen, C. (PI) & Geevers, E. (Supervisor)
2024/09/02 → 2028/09/02
Project: Dissertation
Hansson, Å. (Researcher), Brokelind, C. (Researcher), Wernberg, J. (Researcher), Sonnerfeldt, A. (Researcher), Senyk, M. (Researcher) & Bergh, A. (Researcher)
2024/09/02 → 2025/05/31
Project: Research
Adverbial placement in Swedish
Gustavsson, M. (Researcher) & Myrberg, S. (Supervisor)
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Dissertation
Faking what's true or trusting what's fake: synthetic media in the social media landscape
Hogan, B. (PI), Sundin, O. (Supervisor) & Søilen, K. L. G. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Dissertation
Holocaust Education in Swedish History Lessons - Narratives of Relevance
Felten, N. (PI) & Rosengren, H. (Supervisor)
2024/09/02 → …
Project: Dissertation
Reliabilism: Its Problems and Virtues
Ask Zaar, B. E. (Researcher)
2024/09/02 → 2028/09/01
Project: Dissertation
Hållbar näringslivsutveckling av små och medelstora företag med framtidens entreprenörer i centrum
Arvidsson, S. (PI)
2024/09/01 → 2029/08/31
Project: Research
ELnD: Ecological Loss and Damage
Walters, R. (CoI), Boyd, E. (PI), Smith, H. (Researcher), Persson, A. (Researcher), Wullenkord, M. (Researcher), Becker, P. (Researcher), Rummukainen, M. (Researcher) & N'guetta, A. (Research student)
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Research
Digitaliseringens framtida påverkan på kundresan och de anställda i handeln
Stoopendahl, P. (PI)
The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council (Handelsrådet)
2024/09/01 → 2027/06/30
Project: Research
Reportage från schavotten: Dagspressen, skillingtrycken och de svenska avrättningarna 1800‒1910
Ericsson, M. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2025/08/31
Project: Research
DrunkButterflies: Detoxifying alcohol in the wild- Investigating convergent evolution among butterflies feeding on fermenting fruits
Halali, S. (PI)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Ansvarsfull internationalisering
Shih, T. (PI)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2024/09/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
Fotonisk mätning av insekters artrikedom i landskapet
Brydegaard, M. (PI)
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Ancient Synagogues and the Human Sensorium: How Digital and Experiential Methods Can Transform Our Understanding of the Sights, Sounds, Smells, and Textures of Early Jewish History – Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Cirafesi, W. (PI), Landeschi, G. (Project coordinator), Gerber, A. (Researcher), Mattsson, P. (Researcher), Zetterholm, M. (Researcher), Zhao, P. (Researcher), Stern, K. (Researcher), Cuyler, M. J. (Researcher), Campanaro, D. M. (Researcher) & Gillings, M. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
Greyzone genomics - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
Gisselsson Nord, D. (PI), Almqvist, J. (Project coordinator), Ingesson, T. (Researcher), Chattopadhyay, S. (Researcher), Rinaldi, A. (Researcher), Fjällhed, A. (Researcher) & Larsson, O. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2025/05/31
Project: Network
QU-ATTO: Quantum information science and Ultrafast nonlinear coherent control at the ATTOsecond timescale
Mauritsson, J. (PI), Busto, D. (Researcher), L'Huillier, A. (Researcher) & Viotti, A.-L. (Researcher)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Research
Frictional Humanitarian Homebuilding – Swedish Civil Society Actors in the Occupied Palestinian Territories from 1967 to the present
Gren, N. (Researcher), Småberg, M. (Researcher), Strömbom, L. (Researcher) & Hedling, E. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2027/08/31
Project: Research
Climate risk and adaptation in the Middle East
Rosenquist Ohlsson, L. (Research student), Eklund, L. (Supervisor), Seaquist, J. (Assistant supervisor), Islar, M. (Assistant supervisor) & Becker, P. (Assistant supervisor)
2024/09/01 → 2028/08/31
Project: Dissertation
SPINFRAG: Spin-dependent string fragmentation
Lönnblad, L. (PI) & Kerbizi, A. (Researcher)
European Commission - Horizon Europe
2024/09/01 → 2026/08/31
Project: Research
Teaching Energy Justice One Frame at a Time – the Use of Comic Art in Sustainability Education
Busch, H. (Researcher) & Ramasar, V. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2024/12/31
Project: Research
STORE: Energy Resilient Cities
Karvonen, A. (CoI), Janson, U. (CoI), Gustafsson, S. (PI), Magnusson, D. (CoI), Johnsson, F. (CoI), Taljegård, M. (CoI) & Karltorp, K. (CoI)
2024/09/01 → 2029/08/31
Project: Research
Cirkulär produktdesign för resurs- och energieffektiv hemelektronik
Warell, A. (PI)
2024/09/01 → 2025/09/30
Project: Research
Transnational cinemas of the Baltic Sea: a sustainable regioscape in the making
Mrozewicz, A. (Researcher)
2024/09/01 → 2024/11/30
Project: Commissioned research