Artistic expression in music education

Project: Research

Project Details


This postdoc project explores the concept and phenomenon of artistic expression within music programs at upper secondary schools in Sweden (gymnasieskolans estetiska program med inriktning mot musik).
The curriculum includes the concept of artistic expression (AE), in the courses Instrument and song (“Instrument och sång”) and ensemble (“Ensemble), among other courses. The two concepts of personal expression (PE) and musical expression (ME) are also mentioned in such way that it is communicated that these three concepts are not to be understood as referring to the same phenomenon. Hence, according to the documents, AE appears as something other than both PE and ME, but any definition is not provided in the curriculum.
Working with music teacher education, I have been alerted that students, even in their final stages of their education, show a degree of uneasiness regarding the topic of AE in relation to their future professional role. A series of student papers, published during the last decade supports this observation.
The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with music teachers, analysed through a grounded theory approach. The project is expected to result in articles in journals as well as support the continuous development of the music teacher profession.
Effective start/end date2021/09/012024/05/31

UKÄ subject classification

  • Pedagogy
  • Music