Behavioural economics for energy and climate change policies and the transition to a sustainable energy system.

Project: Research

Project Details


The objective of the project is to develop knowledge on, and methods for the modelling of, people's economic behaviour in response to (ambitious) climate and energy policies aiming for the transition to sustainable energy systems. In turn, the project aims to identify potential resilience strategies from the energy industry to better respond to ambitious behavioural policies targeting energy users. With a strong multidisciplinary nature, the proposal integrates behavioural economics, psychology, environmental management, environmental economics and policy evaluation. Project outputs in the form of educational material, international seminars, scientific articles, conference papers, a book, and policy briefs will be communicated and duly disseminated to provide knowledge and policy recommendations to policy makers and key stakeholders. A reference group is proposed to test the validity and reliability of the results.
Short titleBehavioural economics for energy and climate change policies
AcronymBEECCS Project
Effective start/end date2014/10/132019/02/28

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