Books & Politics

Project: Research

Project Details


The research project Books & Politics was launched by Swedish book historian Kristina Lundblad, Lund University, in 2014, and has since grown into an international project with participants from five countries. The aim of the project is not to study political books but to investigate how books – a. e. the physical thing itself, with its various forms and properties – carry, effect and mediate or bring about political and ideological meanings, how they intersect and interact with ideological values and the political aspects of culture and society.
An important quality of the project is the conviction of the instigater that today’s academic culture is too focused on competition and quantitative output in the form of publications. In the Books & Politics project, we see research as a process without deadline, and we believe that research results can consist of intellectual disussions, workshops, debates et cetera, and not only in published articles. We have so far not applied for funding.
Effective start/end date2014/10/02 → …

Collaborative partners

  • Lund University (lead)
  • Aarhus University
  • Paris-Sorbonne University
  • University of Oslo
  • Palacký University