Byggnadsvård kring Östersjön – en studie av arbetsprocesser med fallstudier från Litauen, Polen, Tyskland,Danmark och Sverige

Project: Dissertation

Project Details


Licentiat examen. Komparativ studie i fem länder kring Östersjön utifrån en teoretisk modell av byggnadsvårdens praktiska byggnadsprocess.

Popular science description

Abstract (short version)
Lithuania and Poland have since the fall of the Soviet Union after 1990 seen how former intact historic city environments was getting exploited by new western companies in the process of changeover to market economy. In Germany the reunion with the eastern parts have increased their activity of building conservation tremendously since the cultural heritage in former DGR was in great need of maintenance. The unemployment in the building sector in Denmark and Sweden, during the countries financial decline in 1980-90, made it clear that the knowledge of traditional craftsmanship was insufficient since building companies form new construction started to work with restoration projects. To get a grip of the new situations for building preservation made the authorities in all five countries take different kind of action.
By using a theoretical model of the process the purpose with this study was to create a more objective and holistic description of renovation project through a Goal-Free evaluation (Scrivens, M. 1972).
The study was based on 15 case studies where interviews where held with actors involved in the renovation projects in progress and each country was represented by a castle, a church a vernacular building. The actual variations within the models four factors; object value, team, financing and legislation were studied inductively and their effect of the work process registered after a qualitative and finally a quantitative analyse.
The study has shown that the object value had the most influence on the work process of building preservation of all factors in the model. High restrictions for building protection tended to increase the use of modern building materials and in some cases even got an opposite effect. A final comparison between processes and the result that they brought about indicted that the measures taken was following the traditions on the countries and therefore were not related to the building objects actual need.
Effective start/end date1997/05/052001/01/20