Project: Research

Project Details


The mission of CIVITAS CAPITAL is to contribute significantly to the goals of the EU's Transport White Paper by capitalising systematically on the results of CIVITAS and creating an effective "value chain" for urban mobility innovation. CAPITAL will initiate and support a mainstreaming process of CIVITIAS principles based on a strengthened community of stakeholders. CAPITAL will help CIVITAS to build the bridge towards a more advanced identity within Horizon 2020. It will help to create a more structured link with large-scale deployment in support of Transport White Paper goals. The CAPITAL strategic goals are:
1. To consolidate existing knowledge and lessons learnt and to provide recommendations for successful
continuation of CIVITAS,
2. To create a dynamic knowledge centre as a means of structured dialogue and exchange among CIVITAS
3. To facilitate a structured transfer of CIVITAS measures based on practical experiences,
4. To establish and manage national/ regional CIVITAS networks serving as delivery channels and activation
mechanism of stakeholders,
5. To deliver a quality project.
A well-networked and highly experienced consortium has developed a methodology building on the successes of CIVITAS and on lessons learnt through previous support activities. Tangible results are clearly defined and
- cooperation platform for a dynamic CIVITAS community, and a knowledge centre,
- integrated trainings/ placements and take-up activities based on strong experience, focusing on quality,
- continuation of 5 existing and creation of 5 new regional networks,
- deep involvement of all networks in the capitalising process (as delivery and as activation mechanism) and
- a flexible, well-managed activity fund of 625.000€.
The total cost is 5 m€, requested EC funding is 4m€. An Advisory Board will provide strategic advice and quality control. Practitioners are involved as subcontractors. The proposal was supported by 124 cities/ institutions.
Short titleCiViTAS CAPITAL
Effective start/end date2013/09/022016/09/02

Collaborative partners

  • Lund University
  • Rupprecht Consult (Joint applicant) (lead)
  • Polis (Joint applicant)
  • Mobiel 21