Cultures of Consumption

Project: Network

Project Details


The research node "Cultures of Consumption" wants to profile, stimulate and develop research on consumption practices in a broad sense. In the node researchers, doctoral students and master students with different subject backgrounds, mainly from the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, but also from other departments, meet. We want to deepen the understanding and scrutinizing of the phenomenon itself by means of the diversity of theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives, research fields and debates that fit within today's consumption research. For example, current discussions on recycling, market mechanisms and social exclusion, cultural appropriation, AI and digital tracking, cultural economy, run parallel with cultural-historical perspectives on, for example, merchandising of religious symbols or the consumption of media infrastructure.

By talking about consumption cultures in plural, it is emphasized how different ways of socially and culturally organizing consumption result in varying practices, materiality and societal consequences, as well as specific norms, values and cultural meanings - which can sometimes end up on collision course.

The node's activities consist of seminars, workshops and guest lectures.

Popular science description

The research node Cultures of Consumption wants to highlight and scrutinize current research on consumer society and consumption cultures.
Effective start/end date2018/01/012023/01/01

UKÄ subject classification

  • Humanities
  • Cultural Studies