Customer Values in Parcel Lockers

Project: Dissertation

Project Details


This project took start in the autumn of 2015 and is dedicated to the investigation of the customer perspective on parcel lockers. The Swedish E-commerce last mile distribution serves as an optimal context for the customer value investigation as the market in on the edge of parcel locker network implementation. The project addresses the raising challenges and opportunities of Swedish E-commerce by filling in the knowledge gap in customer perspective on the new service tool.

This research aims to investigate, understand and report how Swedish E-consumers experience parcel lockers at different consumption stages, as well as to monitor how consumers respond to the new service tool. The project is to develop the knowledge on What are the customer values in parcel lockers? The research project contributes to research and market practices of parcel locker network implementation and performance evaluation. Furthermore, the findings allow E-commerce companies and logistic service providers to understand the customer behaviour and requirements, which enables organisations to adjust market strategies and optimize performances.
Effective start/end date2015/10/022020/10/02

Free keywords

  • Parcel locker
  • Last mile delivery
  • E-commerce
  • Customer value
  • Self-service technology