Detection of internal defects in embankment dams by geoelectrical tomography monitoring

  • Dahlin, Torleif (Researcher)
  • Olsson, Per-Ivar (Researcher)
  • Nivorlis, Aristeidis (Researcher)
  • Johansson, Sam (Researcher)
  • Sjödahl, Pontus (Researcher)
  • Bernstone, Christian (Researcher)

Project: Research

Project Details


The overall purpose of the project is to develop better methods for condition control and monitoring of embankment dams, as a basis for continued safe operation with high availability over a long period of time. This should be achieved by detecting abnormal leakage flows and internal erosion at early stages, which can jeopardize the stability of the embankment. The aim of the project is to adapt and develop geoelectric (DCIP) tomography into a tool that works for routine monitoring. The sub-goals include developing, adapting and automating the various steps in measurement, data processing and interpretation to handle measurement disturbances and the particular 3D geometries in Swedish embankments. Further to test and evaluate this by automated long-term measurements with DCIP, temperature, water levels, etc. in two embankments, in Älvkarleby and at Näs power station. Variations in DCIP data will be analysed against reference data and used to adapt and test models for flow calculation.
Short titleGeoelectrical monitoring of embanment dams
Effective start/end date2019/07/012023/08/31

Collaborative partners

Free keywords

  • Geoelectrical
  • Resistivity
  • DCIP
  • Monitoring
  • Embankment
  • Dam
  • Internal erosion
  • Leakage