Project Details


DigIT Hub is an initiative that helps companies and the public sector in southern Sweden to digitalise. DigIT Hub has financial support from the European Regional Development Fund and Region Skåne.

Digitalisation is a broad term, and digitalisation needs vary within each organization. Through DigIT Hub, we are using digitalisation as an engine to create sustainable and efficient processes and working methods, strengthened competitiveness, and better tailored services in the region. We help organisations in Skåne and Blekinge stay relevant through digital transition; allowing them to meet expectations of customers, employees and citizens who are becoming increasingly digital.

DigIT Hub is specifically aimed at small and medium-sized companies in the manufacturing industry, as well as entities in the public sector. The initiatives we work with fall broadly within the areas "Smart Cities" and "Smart Industry". No digitalisation issue is too big or too small to share with us, and we offer both introductory and advanced digitalisation support.
Effective start/end date2020/09/012023/04/30
  • AI Lund Degree Project Fair

    Wisbrant, J. (Organiser) & Norrman, S. (Organiser)

    2022 Nov 10

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganisation of festival/exhibition/concert/performance