Disentangling drivers of change in terrestrial primary production

Project: Dissertation

Project Details


The project will combine remotely sensed data and the biogeochemical model LPJ-GUESS in a exploratory simulation study evaluating the effects of potential drivers of change e.g. land use change, land use intensification, climate change, CO2 increase on current carbon stocks. Both techniques complement each other and work with different objectives and at different scales. The aim of this project is to explore the possibilities to combine both techniques for an analysis of the effect of different drivers.
The study will be performed in two landscapes. The first landscape is the southern Swedish Agricultural /Forestry landscape, the second is the Sahel region. Both landscapes faced strong changes in the land use pattern over the last half century of which large parts are covered by the satellite-period (the last three to four decades) as these changes of potential drivers are expected to continue, the study will also allow to highlight changes of primary productivity and carbon stocks in coming decades.
Short titleSATGUESS
StatusNot started