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SIVERT: SImulation and VErification of wiReless Technologies
Tufvesson, F. (PI), Fedorov, A. (Researcher) & Nelson, C. (Researcher)
Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)
2018/04/01 → 2021/06/30
Project: Research
Link Modelling for Cooperative Transport Solutions
Nelson, C. (Research student) & Tufvesson, F. (Supervisor)
2016/02/01 → 2022/12/31
Project: Dissertation
SDIVA: Simulation and Design of Integrated Vehicular Antennas
Lau, B. K. (Supervisor) & Yousaf, I. (PI)
2014/08/01 → 2021/09/15
Project: Research
Vehicular Communication in Obstructed and Non Line-of-Sight Scenarios
Vlastaras, D. (PI), Tufvesson, F. (Supervisor) & Edfors, O. (Assistant supervisor)
2014/02/01 → 2017/02/28
Project: Dissertation
Verification of wireless communication performance and robustness for automotive applications
Nilsson, M. (Research student), Tufvesson, F. (Supervisor), Gustafson, C. (Assistant supervisor) & Bergqvist, B. (Assistant supervisor)
2011/09/01 → 2018/06/08
Project: Dissertation