Exploring the emergence and governance dynamics of nature-based solutions for enhancing urban resilience

Project: Research

Project Details


Nature-based solutions (NBS) are means to tackle urban sustainability challenges, from climate adaptation through social integration to health and well-being. Despite their recognized benefits, knowledge related to the governance of NBS is scarce and fragmented and thus the growth of NBS for increasing urban resilience is slow.
This research aims to better understand the governance and enabling (or limiting) conditions that shape the emergence and potential for NBS in Japanese cities. Focus areas include institutional and financial arrangements and the role of policy and socio-political actors.
The ultimate aim is to identify successful NBS and generate recommendations about financial and institutional conditions that are required to support NBS for increased urban resilience.
Short titleNBS Governance
Effective start/end date2019/11/282021/11/27

Collaborative partners

UKÄ subject classification

  • Social Sciences