FAIR-NUSTAR: HISPEC-DESPEC experiment & Super-FRS contributions

Project: Research

Project Details


The future FAIR facility opens unique opportunities in the fields of hadron-, nuclear-, atomic-, plasma- and applied physics. It is thus one of the largest coming European large-scale science facilities. FAIR is recognized by both the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and the Swedish Government (Vetenskapsrådets guide till infrastrukturen) as the major radioactive ion beam accelerator facility for Europe. In the latest "NuPECC Long Range Plan2017 - Perspectives in Nuclear Physics", the timely completion of FAIR earns the highest priority.

NUSTAR (NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions) is one of the four scientific pillars of FAIR. The NUSTAR science programme is based on the fragmentation technique, which is going to provide fast radioactive beams with unmatched capabilities worldwide: The common physics case of NUSTAR, which was re-evaluated with top marks early 2015, relies on the exploitation of these beams of short-lived radioactive species to study how the properties of nuclei and nuclear matter vary over a wide range of isospin, temperature, density, and angular momentum. It targets key data on the nuclear many-body system under
extreme conditions to find a unified description of the properties of nuclei and nuclear matter,and to understand the (astrophysical) origin of the elements. More than 700 scientists work towards NUSTAR, the heart and work horse of which is the new superconducting fragment separator (Super-FRS) followed by effectively seven different experiments around state-of-the art detector systems.

Lund has focused its efforts on two of these experiments: HIgh-resolution in-flight and DEcay SPECtroscopy (HISPEC/DESPEC, D. Rudolph et al.) and Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B, J. Cederkäll et al.). Both share a joint detector development laboratory in Lund (P. Golubev et al.).
Effective start/end date2010/03/122030/12/31

Collaborative partners


  • Swedish Research Council
  • The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
  • Crafoord Foundation

UKÄ subject classification

  • Subatomic Physics