Forest management-mortality interactions – quantification of management effects on tree mortality and implications for carbon cycling

Project: Research

Project Details


Forests occupy a third of the terrestrial vegetated surface of Earth and store up to 65 % of terrestrial organic carbon. As key players in the carbon cycle, forests are both emitters and net sinks of carbon. Progress has been made in quantifying the sink and highlighted the need to account for the effects of forest management and tree mortality. However, these two aspects have not been considered together. The EU-funded project ForMMI will develop an observation-based methodology to quantify forest management regimes from single-measurement national forest inventory data. It will also create statistical models to link these regimes to mortality rates. Finally, the project will integrate these models into a dynamic global vegetation model, that it will use to quantify the implications for the carbon cycle.
Effective start/end date2020/11/012022/10/31