Framework agreement for the provision of projects, services and reporting linked to the radiological and environmental monitoring system at ESS

Project: Commissioned research

Project Details


This framework agreement (FA) between Lund University and the European Spallation Source ERIC is partly a continuation of the previous collaboration entitled “Assessment of “Zero point” radiation around the ESS facility”. The services under this FA cover two distinct areas. Primarily the services will be routine analysis and measurements, which may vary from year to year and will increase in line with the ESS project progress and its’ operational phases. The second type of services refers to individual projects or support activities that will be identified and suggested throughout the FA. The initial services required, but not limited to, are as follows:

• Preparing annual environmental reports for ESS.
• Zero point and pre-operational surveys of the radiation environment outside and inside the restricted area of the facility.
• Transfer the zero point measurements program into a measurement program for monitoring operation discharges (environmental monitoring plan).
• Review which radionuclides are expected to be formed in and released from the ESS. Where necessary identify suitable detection techniques for quantification of ESS-specific radionuclides.
• Plan for LU measurements of environmental radioactive aerosols.
• Set up a program for long-term measurements of tritium in the environment and in residents of Lund, prior to and after the start of ESS.
• Set up a whole-body counting system of ESS radionuclides with high-resolution gamma spectrometry.
• Maintain and proved quality assurance for the whole-body counting capability suitable for ESS operations and possible emergencies.
• Provide training programs for ESS first responders, radiation protection group and control room personnel on operational radiation protection tasks for routine and emergency situations.

1. Routine sampling, measurements and analysis
1.1. Gamma emitters using stationary high- and low resolution gamma spectrometry in situ and mobile (by car and foot); assessment of ambient dose equivalent rate at defined positions; gamma emitters in samples of grass, bioindicators, sewage sludge, milk, fruits and berries, crops and vegetables, aerosols.
1.2. Tritium in various waterbodies, fruits and berries, crops and vegetables, milk, sewage sludge, precipitation and air humidity.
1.3. Carbon-14 in samples of grass, crops/fruits/vegetables.
1.4. Iodine-129 in a selection of samples.

2. Additional long-term goals and activities
2.1. Setting up a system for whole-body counting using high resolution gamma spectrometers.
2.2. Administrative support.
2.3. Develop practical and theoretical training for radiation protection experts.
2.4. Documentation of procedures and publication of reports.
2.5. Collaboration to jointly supervise PhD and MSc students.
2.6. Administration in terms of sample storage and data manage at LU.

The various activities within this FA are revised and updated annually.

Effective start/end date2020/08/212024/08/20

Collaborative partners

Free keywords

  • ESS
  • Environmental monitoring
  • radiation safety
  • radiation protection
  • Environmental radioactivity
  • C-14
  • H-3