Our vision in Green is Gold is to position Nature Based Solutions (NBS) as an asset in strategy development and implementation for all cities, and effect tangible change on the ground, by improve the city planning. This first stage of the project is a starting point in developing a process tool. That is why we have worked together to identify added values and effects of NBS, quantify added values and effects of NBS, identify stakeholders and bring them together in order to understand the needs.
Besides Lund University, stakeholders from Vejle, Copenhagen, and Malmö municipalities, as well as the consultancy company MOE, have worked closely together in the project.
Based on the results from this first stage of the Climate KIC project Green is Gold we can conclude that the inclusion of NBS is not a simple process, and that NBS must be considered in all steps of the planning and implementation process, including comprehensive as well as detailed planning and construction. Project was run by Johanna Sörensen.