Project Details


The project investigates how knowledge and experience of Swedish influences the cognitive load caused by
background noise during Swedish listening comprehension, and determines how this effect is modulated by a
teacher education program. The novelty and originality lies in the interdisciplinary investigation of having
Swedish as a second language (L2) on children’s cognitive load, listening effort and academic performance in the
The project will run for four years. It consists of two experiments where primary-school children will be tested
individually under controlled laboratory-like conditions in a simulated classroom we will set up on site. We will
test the notion that teacher training in classroom communication strategies can alleviate listening effort and
improve learning, especially for children with Swedish as L2. We will examine the dynamic interaction between
children’s language, cognition, self-efficacy and grit and, in realistic settings, cognitive load, listening effort,
understanding and memory. We use tools from the fields of medicine, technology, linguistics, psychology and
education. This has not been done before and above all not in maturing children with different social, cognitive
and linguistic backgrounds.
Direct practical application through adaptations in schools will be possible, promoting equality and health.
Knowledge generated can be used to help equip and integrate new generations for lifelong learning and promote

Popular science description

Lyssningsmiljön i klassrummet hindrar faktiskt inlärning genom att försvåra barnens lyssnande, förståelse och minnesprocesser. Lyssningsmiljön verkar ha ännu större betydelse om man lyssnar på ett språk som inte är ens
modersmål. Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka hur kunskap om och erfarenhet av svenska språket tillsammans med bakgrundsbuller påverkar den kognitiva belastningen när barn ska lyssna, förstå och minnas i
klassrummet. Det syftar också att undersöka hur barnens prestationer påverkas av träning för lärare i hur man bäst kommunicerar i klassrummet.
Effective start/end date2019/01/012023/12/31

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities