Kerstin Hesselgren Guest Professorship

Project: Research

Project Details

Popular science description

Professor Ulrike Hahn (Birkbeck University London) will be the holder the prestigeous Kerstin Hesselgren Guest Professorship for distinguished female researchers in the period 2013-10-01 to 2014-03-31. Hesselgren was the first female member of the Swedish parliament. It is the first time this Swedish Research Council guest professorship is allocated to Lund University.

The Guestprofessorship will be held by Professor of Psychology Ulrike Hahn, Birkbeck University of London. She will work, first and foremost, with two research groups within the division of Theoretical Philosophy. The CogComLab is lead by Professor Ingar Brinck and combines research on social cognition in theoretical philosophy with developmental and comparative psychology with the aim of explaining what is essential for typically human life forms.

LUIQ (Lund University Knowledge and Information Quality Research Group), led by Professor Erik J. Olsson, studies dissemination of knowledge and information quality, e.g. in social networks. Both groups work within the interdisciplinary research field Knowledge, Cognition, and Communication which was recently identified by the Swedish Research Council and other funding agencies as one of the seven most relevant areas for future focused funding initiatives.

In addition, Hahn will collaborate with researchers in Cognitive Science and Practical Philosophy.
Effective start/end date2013/01/012014/12/31