Project Details


LAMiNATE (Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching) is a cross-disciplinary interdepartmental research platform dedicated to all areas of language acquisition, multilingualism, and language teaching/assessment. LAMiNATE aims to create a sustainable and resilient research environment allowing researchers to meet and develop their research, promoting new collaborations, and innovative research plans for future cutting-edge research.
LAMiNATE is funded by the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.
Effective start/end date2021/01/012023/12/31

Collaborative partners

UKÄ subject classification

  • Languages and Literature

Free keywords

  • language acquisition
  • multilingualism
  • language teaching
  • language assessment
  • language disorders
  • language testing
  • educational linugistics
  • applied linguistics
  • multimodality
  • gesture
  • cognitive neuroscience