Project Details


The project combines artificial intelligence (especially deep learning for natural language processing and computer vision), bioinformatics, cell biology, large-scale microscopy-based screening and functional genomics to understand the regulation of cell death and lysosome function, their changes in various diseases and how these processes can be manipulated for therapies.
Effective start/end date2017/01/012023/12/31


  • Thorsten och Elsa Segerfalks Stiftelse för främjande av medicinsk vetenskaplig forskning och utbildning
  • Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne
  • Crafoord Foundation
  • Hjärnfonden
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
  • Fabrikant Einar Willumsens Mindelegat
  • The Royal Physiographic Society in Lund