m6A regulate HPV16 mRNA process

  • Cui, Xiaoxu (Research student)
  • Schwartz, Stefan (Supervisor)
  • Forslund, Ola (Assistant supervisor)
  • Kajitani, Naoko (Assistant supervisor)

Project: Dissertation

Project Details


HPV16 mRNAs are methylated in HPV16-infected tonsillar
cancer cells and overexpression of m6A “writer” METTL3, m6A “eraser” ALKBH5 and the m6A“reader” YTHDC1 affected HPV16 mRNA splicing, suggesting that m6A plays an important role in the HPV16 gene expression program, at least in cancer cells.

Popular science description

Investigation of control of expression of the genes of the cancer-associated virus HPV16
Effective start/end date2018/10/012021/05/20