In this research project, we will examine the role of consorts in early modern Europe with special reference to cultural transfer, influence and integration.
HERA Joint Research Programme – Cultural Encounters 2013-2016
Beginning in October 2013, a total of 18 projects will be funded in a programme entitled “Cultural Encounters” supported by EU partner countries. The HERA programme gives individual scholars from different countries and disciplines the opportunity to co-operate in an interdisciplinary project. The project “Marrying Cultures” will be led by Professor Dr. Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly (Oxford). The other principal investigators in the research group are: Professor Svante Norrhem (Lund), PD Dr. Almut Bues (Warschau) und Dr. Jill Bepler (Wolfenbüttel). The project will also include a post-doc researcher in both the UK and Sweden (Dr. Adam Morton and Dr Elise Dermineur) and a doctoral student in Wolfenbüttel and Warsaw. Over the next three years, the research group will examine case studies of the cultural transfer associated with dynastic marriages in Europe, primarily Northern Europe, in the early modern period. This work will include research on material objects and collections and the group will be working closely with experts from museums and libraries. In the course of the project exhibitions and programmes for schools will make new findings accessible to a broader public.
The main Lund project will concentrate on Lovisa Ulrika of Sweden (1720-1782).