Pompeii - a 3D Revival

Project: Research

Project Details

Popular science description

Through this project we will be able to study Pompeian architecture by means of different types of 3D-models and virtual reality tools.
The goal of this research is to visualize the ancient structures in order to help researchers and other visitors in understanding how these environments were used in the past.

The aim of this project is to investigate, document and visualize Pompeian architecture by means of different types of 3D-models (both in “as is- and “as was”-models). The use of acquisition techniques like 3D Scanning or Dense stereo reconstruction will increase the knowledge of the relations between the technological infrastructures of the insula i.e. water pipes system, illumination etc. and the distribution of commercial, working and reception spaces in this overall domestic context. Through the use of Virtual Reality Techniques will be possible to visit the Pompeian houses of Casa del Torello and Casa di Cecilio Giocondo understanding the relation between the actual archaeological context and their original appearance.
The connection- in the same virtual environment -of past and present will guide the users through a time travel experience. The application will be designed as a virtual infrastructure to drag users from past to present, increasing -through the use of a 3D visual language- the knowledge of the past.
Effective start/end date2011/01/012014/12/31