Project Details


Improvements in resource efficiency and waste reduction coupled with new business models are likely to become increasingly important for manufacturing. Recently much attention has been paid to bioeconomy transitions. A bioeconomy, while based on using renewable resources, is not sustainable per se as even renewable resources are limited. This project adopts the concept of a circular bioeconomy – referring to the efficiency in and reuse of bio-based resources, and explores the implications of circular bioeconomy for the renewal of manufacturing. Circular economy refers to closing material and resource loops reducing pressure on virgin natural resources by extending the use time of products, their parts and materials, decreasing the amount of energy use and pollution from the production of new products, and cutting production and post-consumer volumes of waste. Frontrunners can benefit from circular economy by innovative solutions of product design to new resource efficient or frugal business and market models. Additionally, new ways of turning waste, by-products and side-flows into a resource can create new business.
Effective start/end date2015/01/012017/03/20

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