Rising Sea Levels – the planning and design of an uncertain landscape

Project: Research

Project Details


This project aims at finding new ways of planning the changing coastal landscape, taking especially the threat of rising sea levels in consideration. The case study is the county of Skåne in southernmost Sweden, where the regional and municipal planning process concerning this issue is fragmented and torn in different directions. One difficulty is that although there is an awareness of the problem, there are uncertainties concerning, on the one hand side, the magnitude and the time perspective of the changes, and, on the other hand side, the way in which to handle a changing and unpredictable nature in the planning process. The project takes it point of departure in the current available knowledge of the effects of the changing climate and in the interpretations that authorities and involved personnel make of this knowledge. The objective is to contribute to a sustainable planning by demonstrating tools for a deepened holistic view of the issue of rising sea levels. The strategic importance of the project is that it contributes to the knowledge of how threats to the society are practically handled by persons in responsible planning position, and how alternative methods through a combination of increased stringency and flexibility could lead to more efficient planning in order to meet future environmental threats.
Effective start/end date2012/01/012016/12/31

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  • rising sea levels
  • planning