Scanian homes: Reception, settlement or rejection – homelessness policies and strategies for refugee settlement

Project: Research

Project Details


The aim of this project is to investigate the practice, interaction and results of municipal homelessness policies and refugee reception strategies in Skåne county, in order to identify policy elements that are helpful for providing secure and adequate housing for these groups.

Three interconnected empirical studies are planned:
1) A survey of policies regarding homelessness and refugee reception in the 33 municipalities of Skåne county
2) a mapping of migrants’ moving in the county
3) case studies in four strategically selected municipalities aiming at an in-depth, contextual understanding of how they deal with their obligation to accommodate assigned refugees as well as existing homeless inhabitants. The case studies include investigations of the “housing trajectories” of three groups, a) newly arrived refugees, b) homeless clients of the social services, and c) other local homeless people for whom no authority accepts responsibility. We will especially attend to the impact of status changes and gender on these groups’ housing situations.

Funded by: Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (Formas)
Short titleScanian homes: Reception, settlement or rejection
Effective start/end date2018/07/012023/10/31


  • FORMAS, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning

UKÄ subject classification

  • Social Work