Schooling Gender-Sex-Sexuality. Politics and policy approaches

Project: Research

Project Details


Schools are places of learning – of the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills, as well as the adoption and incorporation of social knowledge. At school, knowledge about societal norms is effectively transmitted and re-produced in daily interaction. School policies provide part of the framework that structures this knowledge transfer. Policies, in turn, are informed by – gendered – discourses of social participation in the context of nation-state reasoning. I am interested in the national investments in specific notions of gender-sex-sexuality, in the entanglements of neo-nationalist projects in Europe and North America with complex strategies leading at the same time to the exclusion of queer and queered subjectivities, and to their use as symbols of liberal democracies, effectively racializing/ethnifying insider and outsider gender-sex-sexualities.
Effective start/end date2008/07/012010/06/30

UKÄ subject classification

  • Social Sciences

Free keywords

  • school
  • policy
  • gender
  • sex
  • sexuality
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • secularism
  • nation