In November 2009, Veberöd public library, as the first library in Sweden started what is known as a staffless library. This means that library visitors have access to the physical library even after the library is closed and the staff have gone home. The operation has been successful and several libraries around Skåne has followed in Veberöds tracks.
In November 2009, Veberöd public library, as the first library in Sweden started what is known as a staffless library. This means that library visitors have access to the physical library even after the library is closed and the staff have gone home. The operation has been successful and several libraries around Skåne has followed in Veberöds tracks. This development is supported by Region Skåne and to date nine libraries around Skåne have started up part time staffless libraries and more are in the start-up stage.
In this study we seek to understand what happens with the profession when staffless library activity is introduced in a public library. We also seek to understand the interactions that occur between the community and the library when their public library becomes a staffless library.
The study uses questionnaires and interviews as method.