The indignity of being hungry and the indignity of having to receive food: How do professionals create dignity in the encounter with help-seekers?

Project: Research

Project Details


Today, more and more people are dependent on food subsidies from parishes and municipalities, among other things due to increased food costs. The demand for the bare necessities contributes to questions about dignity and its meaning. Seeking help for such basic needs as food can be a challenge to people´s dignity, something that can arouse both shame, sadness and outrage in the individual, among professionals, and in society at large.

The aim of the project is to reveal how dignity is interpreted and applied among deacons with experience in food assistance and social workers in financial assistance. By investigating how dignity is interpreted and applied, there is an ambition of contributing to an in-depth knowledge of the complexity in connection with the protection of dignity.

The project has been granted funding from the Competence Fund for the year of 2023.
Effective start/end date2023/01/012024/12/31


  • City of Helsingborg

UKÄ subject classification

  • Social Work