The Objective Reality. An Imaginary in Late Modern Swedish Analytical Philosophy

Project: Research

Project Details

Layman's description

The study aims to show how analytic philosophy contributed to the Swedish post war welfare state by providing a metaphysical imaginary of a stable objective reality. One aim is to get improved knowledge about the humanities position in late modern Sweden, that look over wider areas than the usual analytical – continental, modern – postmodern dichotomies.

The Objective Reality. An Imaginary in Late Modern Swedish Analytic Philosophy and Politics
Analytic philosophy contributed to the Swedish post war welfare state by providing a metaphysical imagery of a stable objective reality. The imaginary was due to the dominating philosophical tradition in the twentieth century in Sweden, “value nihilism” which regarded value judgment as mere emotional expressions.
The empirical data is taken from two case studies, first the public media debate about “objectivity” in the 1970s in which analytical philosophers played a prominent part.
The second case study is the public debate around the popular vote for and against nuclear energy in Sweden, September 1980. The language of objectivity was now turned against its promoters; it didn’t exist any “objective true solution” to the problems around nuclear energy. The belief in one objective rreality felt into pieces. However it was the humanities that paid the price.
One aim is to get improved knowledge about the humanities position in late modern Sweden, that look over wider areas than the usual analytical – continental, modern – postmodern dichotomies. A theoretical strength with the concept “sociotechnical imagery” is that it allows to incorporating a metaphysical horizon that can bridge the fact-fiction dichotomy. This turn complements the STS language initiated by network theories, i.e. concepts such as “travel, circulate, migrate and their geographical markers; local, regional or globa
Effective start/end date2014/01/012016/12/31