The Relationship between Brain Structure and Language Competence

Project: Dissertation

Project Details


The project aims to examine the relationship between brain structure and language competence. The project is divided into two big parts. In the first part of the project grammatical complexity in German and Swedish will be measured, and German and Swedish native speakers language processing and brain structure is measured in an MRI scanner. In the second part the native speakers will learn an artificial language and this time their language learning process will be measured in an MRI scanner to test if speakers of more grammatically complex languages have an advantage in language learning compared to speakers of less grammatically complex languages.
Effective start/end date2021/01/152026/01/14

UKÄ subject classification

  • General Language Studies and Linguistics
  • Neurosciences

Free keywords

  • language processing
  • language acquisition
  • language comptence
  • brain imaging