The Social Security System is challenged by the gig economy – social security for platform workers and others in new forms of employment

Project: Research

Project Details


The purpose of this project is to do a jurisprudential examination of how the social security regulations including unemloyment insurance, are adapted to platform work in the digitalised (gig) economy and other new organisation forms e.g. umbrella companies. The ‘new’ work forms are characterised by many short, temporary tasks distributed by a platform or an app where the worker has numerous principals and are difficult for the social security system to handle. The project includes classification of employees (workers) and self-employed in the binary system, their access to the insurances and calculation of benefits. The Swedish national regulations will be analysed and compared with EU-legislations requirement of access to social protection for employees (workers) and self-employed in two international projects. The aim of the project is to create new knowledge and out of that basis expository discuss (de lege ferenda) future development on justice policy in the area.
Thus so far no juridical research has been done in this area and this project would fill a knowledge gap that urgently needs understanding and clarity. This project is founded by IFAU – Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy.
Effective start/end date2021/01/012022/12/31

UKÄ subject classification

  • Law

Free keywords

  • Gig economy
  • Social Security Law