Utilization of Innovative Digital Tools for Efficient and Smart Fire Fighting

Project: Research

Project Details


Today, the rescue services face challenges when dealing with fires in larger or more complex buildings. While relying on external observations can be sufficient for fires villas or apartments, it becomes more difficult in more complex structures. However, the concept of "smart firefighting" aims to address this issue. It involves collecting and integrating a wealth of information from various sources and sensors to analyze and predict fire development and other events within a building. This information serves as a valuable tool for decision-making.

The objective of this project is to develop a digital building twin using machine learning. By collecting and analysing sensor data from inside buildings, this digital model can enhance decision-making and improve the efficiency of rescue service operations. Although the project is primarily a "proof of concept", practical demonstrations will also be conducted in relevant environments. Consequently, this technology will mature, contributing to safer and more effective rescue efforts in complex buildings. The research outcomes will benefit a wide range of stakeholders, including rescue services, authorities responsible for building regulations and safety, building designers, building owners, and research organizations.

To ensure comprehensive expertise, a multidisciplinary research consortium has been established. This consortium covers areas such as fire modelling, building information, and rescue service activities. The project is linked to several global goals in Agenda 2030, especially the goals of: good health and well-being, industry, innovation and infrastructure and sustainable cities and communities.
Effective start/end date2023/10/092026/10/09

Collaborative partners

  • Lund University (lead)
  • Briab Brand & Riskingenjörerna AB
  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)