3ΛH and 3ΛH production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

Adam J., P. Christiansen, H. Ljunggren, A. Oskarsson, T. Richert, D. Silvermyr, C. Søgaard, E. Stenlund, V. Vislavicius, Zinovjev G., Zyzak M., ALICE Collaboration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The production of the hypertriton nuclei HΛ3 and H[U+203E]Λ-3 has been measured for the first time in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ALICE experiment at LHC. The pT-integrated HΛ3 yield in one unity of rapidity, dN/dy×B.R.(HΛ3→He3,π-)=(3.86±0.77(stat.)±0.68(syst.))×10-in the 0-10% most central collisions, is consistent with the predictions from a statistical thermal model using the same temperature as for the light hadrons. The coalescence parameter B3 shows a dependence on the transverse momentum, similar to the B2 of deuterons and the B3 of 3He nuclei. The ratio of yields S3=HΛ3/(He3×Λ/p) was measured to be S3=0.60±0.13(stat.)±0.21(syst.) in 0-10% centrality events; this value is compared to different theoretical models. The measured S3 is compatible with thermal model predictions. The measured HΛ3 lifetime, τ=181-39+54(stat.)±33(syst.)ps is in agreement within 1σ with the world average value.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)360-372
Number of pages13
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics


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