A study on the use of empirical models to predict the formation of acrylamide in potato crisps

Jeroen J Knol, Gunilla Viklund, Jozef P H Linssen, Ingegerd Sjöholm, Kerstin Skog, Martinus A J S van Boekel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The formation of acrylamide in potato crisps was fitted by empirical mathematical models. Potato slices were fried under the same experimental conditions for different times. Besides the content of precursors in the raw potato slices, acrylamide and water content in the potato crisps were quantified after predetermined times (2-6 min). The temperature developments in the surrounding oil and outer cell layer of the potato slices were monitored, giving more insight in the frying process and making future comparisons between studies possible. The pattern found for the formation of acrylamide, which was similar to earlier studies, was fitted to three empirical models. Statistical methods were used to compare the performance of the models, with the "Logistic-Exponential" and "Empirical" model performing equally well. The obtained model parameters were in the range of earlier reported studies, although this comparison is not unequivocal as the experimental conditions differed between studies. The precision of parameter estimates was problematic; this should be improved by better experimental design. Nevertheless, the approach of this study will make it possible to truly compare acrylamide formation patterns and model parameters in the future, with the ability to develop a tool to predict acrylamide formation in potato crisps.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)313-321
JournalMolecular Nutrition and Food Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Food Technology (011001017), Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry (011001300)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Nutrition and Dietetics

Free keywords

  • Maillard reaction
  • kinetic modeling
  • acrylamide
  • empirical modeling
  • potato crisps


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