title = "Adsorption on porous Vycor glass at different temperatures at low and medium relative humidities",
abstract = "In this report, the measured adsorption isotherms on porous glass, obtained experimentally at different temperatures, are used to calculate the specific surface area, using two different types of BET-equations.",
keywords = "m{\"a}tresultat, simulering, ber{\"a}kningsmodeller, ber{\"a}kningsmetoder, termodynamik, materialegenskaper, fukt, absorption, glasull, por{\"o}sa material, glas, laboratorief{\"o}rs{\"o}k, utv{\"a}rdering, teori",
author = "Bj{\"o}rn Johannesson",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
volume = "3097",
series = "Report TVBM",
publisher = "Division of Building Materials, LTH, Lund University",