An Empirical Test of DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model in a Public Organization

Olgerta Tona, Sven Carlsson, Sean Eom

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper, not in proceedingpeer-review


This study empirically tests DeLone and McLean IS success model in the context of a Business Intelligence (BI) system in a police organization. Based on a literature review, for the model’s first five dimensions, we generated a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to the potential users of the BI system in the organization. Out of eight relationships tested, five were significant. The study shows that system quality is a significant predictor of use and user satisfaction. Information quality is a strong predictor of user satisfaction, but does not significally affect use. User satisfaction does not predict use and vice versa. Individual impact is strongly affected by use and user satisfaction. Other factors are believed to affect system use such as position level, access level, and an understanding of the legacy systems constituting the BI system.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventAmericas Conference on Information Systems, 2012 - Seattle, Washington, United States
Duration: 2012 Aug 92012 Aug 11
Conference number: 18


ConferenceAmericas Conference on Information Systems, 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySeattle, Washington

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Information Systems, Social aspects


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