Bortglömda utgrävningar grävs fram: Bronsåldersgravarna i Pangs hög och Hässlehögen

Research output: Contribution to specialist publication or newspaperSpecialist publication articleResearch

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Re-excavations of forgotten archaeological material are more relevant than ever. What is not ordered published or digitized risks to become invisible in storages and archaeological research. With new investigations of archaeological contexts and osteological material the article updates our knowledge of Late Bronze Age burials in North-Western Skåne, Sweden.
Original languageSwedish
Number of pages26
Specialist publicationKullabygd : Kullens hembygdsförenings årsskrift
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Archaeology

Free keywords

  • Storage archaeology
  • Late Bronze Age
  • cremation

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