Comparison of multi echo T2 relaxation and steady state approaches for myelin imaging in the central nervous system

Adam V. Dvorak, Emil Ljungberg, Irene M. Vavasour, Lisa Eunyoung Lee, Shawna Abel, David K. B. Li, Anthony Traboulsee, Alex L. Mackay, Shannon H. Kolind

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The traditional approach for measuring myelin-associated water with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses multi-echo T2 relaxation data to calculate the myelin water fraction (MWF). A fundamentally different approach, abbreviated “mcDESPOT”, uses a more efficient steady-state acquisition to generate an equivalent metric (fM). Although previous studies have demonstrated inherent instability and bias in the complex mcDESPOT analysis procedure, fM has often been used as a surrogate for MWF. We produced and compared multivariate atlases of MWF and fM in healthy human brain and cervical spinal cord (available online) and compared their ability to detect multiple sclerosis pathology. A significant bias was found in all regions (p   ~ 10%, the relationship broke down and fM no longer increased in tandem with MWF. For multiple sclerosis patients, MWF and fM Z score maps showed overlapping areas of low Z score and similar trends between patients and brain regions, although those of fM generally had greater spatial extent and magnitude of severity. These results will guide future choice of myelin-sensitive quantitative MRI and improve interpretation of studies using either myelin imaging approach.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1369
Pages (from-to)1-12
JournalScientific Reports
Publication statusPublished - 2021 Jan 14
Externally publishedYes


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